A Garden (or Farm) of Zen Thoughts

If you see my previous posts or if you know me personally, you’d know that I spend a few days of the week at our farm. Being around nature and quiet has really had a significant effect on my mental health. It gives me time to pause and think, and truly reflect on what truly matters to me. So I decided to write some of those thoughts down.



One of my biggest emotional turmoils ever since has been my insecurity about my work, or how good I am at what I do. Since I work as a freelance graphic designer and photograher, I would get jealous of people who put out such good work and I would immediately put myself down for not releasing “good enough” work. This is especially magnified when it comes to my photography. And whenever I felt this, I would get restless and I would immediately spiral, until time makes me feel better.

Probably, my biggest realization about this is that you always have to go back to your “why”. I started thinking about why I liked being creative and sharing my vision. It was because I felt that it was the best way that I could express my emotions. And following that as a guideline, I realize that I am doing my best, and that what I put out, is what is in my heart. It may not necessarily be the best, but it is an encapsulation of what is dear to me, and that makes it special, even if it’s just for me.



What do I want? That’s the first question that guided me when I thought about what my dream and purpose in life were. And because of that, I started seeking out for what I thought I wanted:  I thought that what I truly wanted was to be recognized. I wanted people to have a good perception of me, I wanted to have a perfect life, I wanted to be remembered. But the thing is, everything I just stated was based on external factors. And after chasing these things for a while, it became toxic. I became too dependent on this. And because I thought I was “failing” for not getting what I “wanted”, I isolated myself, and decided to go to the farm with my parents and just escape.

And in isolation, I started to question myself. I tried to analyze life as it is. No frills, no anything. I asked myself this question: “What is in the core of your soul? If there was one thing you wanted to be, or if there is one thing that defines you as a living, breathing, human being, what would you want it to be?” and at that moment I decided, what matters to me the most is that I just wanted to be a good person. Whatever space I take up in this world, I just want to live my life trying to do something good, whatever field, no matter how small or big. I just want to do it with heart, and with kindness and hopefully, I can make my small space an impactful and productive one.




Not really a thought, but I always feel this:  With all the politics, and all the bad people in the government and in high positions, and people dehumanizing and destroying other people, I often have a hard time thinking about all our country’s issues. But when I stare at trees, and at sunlight peering through the leaves, I feel a little bit better. And it reminds me that I love this rich and generous land that is my country.

Still though, some people are just scum. Please vote wisely this 2018 elections! Vote people who will empower the citizens, not just who they want. Preferably those who truly love our country. 





My parents are amazing people. I get inspired by them everyday.

Thank you, Mom and Dad. 



Being genuine and living your truth is key to finding what truly matters to you. It is a constant struggle to find what matters to you when you box yourself in who you think you are, or who you think you should be. Your personality is not a checkmark or a list. It is your choices and your decisions.

Be genuine and observe. You will find what really matters to you.

September (and early October) in Film

SEPTEMBER 28, 2018, Ektar 100, Pentax K-x 35mm: Weekend at the farm


Kuya Abet driving us to the farm. It was a not-so-sunny-but-not-dim kind of afternoon.


My dad always has meetings. He has a way with people. Maybe it’s in how he always has good intentions and purpose in everything he does.


The empty “meeting room”


As we were walking around the farm, I stepped on a spud-like thing, and pointed it out to Kuya Abet. Apparently, it was Singkamas (Turnip). I was so surprised, I thought someone just threw it on the floor, but apparently, it was “ligaw”.


Kuya Abet always helps out in the farm. He gives his honest opinions, and gives feedback about farm activities!


We were in a Mango Orchard, and my parents were discussing something, and the light hit them oh so dramatically, I just had to take the shot.


My Dad under the mango trees.


These Kamotes (Sweet Potato) were actually just planted to keep grass away from the Papayas. But they turned out so beautiful and sweet!


These flowers looked so pretty, and I was fascinated by the small bulbs. My mom would bring home some of these to put on vases at our house in Manila.


The farm.


These are Dalandan trees. My mom told me about how these trees bore fruit this year even if it wasn’t their season yet. This is one of the possible effects of using organic matter to enrich land and plants! 🙂


My mom and one of the farmers walking around the Dalandans.


Under the shade of a dalandan tree!



SEPTEMBER 30, 2018, Ektar 100, Pentax K-x 35mm: Birthday Dinner in Makati



A view of Makati/Mandaluyong from the condo.


My sister doing her make up before we headed out for dinner

OCTOBER 2, 2018, Ektar 100, Pentax K-x 35mm: An Afternoon at Home



I really liked the light streaks coming in from the window, so I photographed my hand with it. I really like how even small gestures of hands can communicate different things. It can be delicate, or stern, or giving or closed off. 





Self portraits through a mirror. 




A photo of some of the trinkets and items on our dresser. 



OCTOBER 7, ILLFORD XP2 ISO 400: Early Morning, while waiting to go to Centris Supermarket



Shadows of raindrops against a window.


My sister Frances taking a selfie.


Almost leaving.


My sister’s profile.


Sleepy morning.



OCTOBER 8, ILLFORD XP2 ISO 400: A random day doing chores



My sister in her natural element.







Street photos while in transit.




I like how the lighting fell on my body, subtly forming shaped and lines amongst the darkness.